A downloadable project

Howdy! ヾ(•ω•`)o

※ This is a submission for the Nokia Art Jam 2, under the optional "lost games for the Nokia 3410" theme! ※

※ The game in question is an open world game concept, titled Youngen Scripts - Amnesia (you get a cookie if you guess the inspiration) ※

※ In general, similar to the inspiration, it would be a semi-open world game with first person combat available. ※

※ Since I was having fun, I also added a few concepts past the gameplay one in there as well for ※
  ⇒ nokia game selection,
  ⇒ title screen,
  ⇒ map,
  ⇒ inventory
  ⇒ game menu

※ Honestly it would be pretty sick if someone made a nokia game like this, I would totally give it a go (although I would need to dig up my old nokia for it lel) ※

! !  As a sidenote, for those who want to see the images in a higher resolution, feel free to visit my Twitter post right here, where they can be viewed in higher res, I was planning to add them as screenshots here, but didn't want to risk being disqualified for it) ! !

Zoomed in images viewable here


Younger Scripts 01 - Game Select.png 1.2 kB
Younger Scripts 02 - Title.png 1.6 kB
Younger Scripts 03 - Gameplay.png 1.8 kB
Younger Scripts 04 - Inventory.png 1.3 kB
Younger Scripts 05 - Game Menu.png 1 kB
Younger Scripts 06 - Map.png 1.3 kB

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